
Examine the critical role of compliance in combating terrorism financing with insights on challenges, detection techniques, preventative measures, and the latest global regulatory updates.

Three Lines of Defense: Case Study

The “three lines of defense” model is a widely recognized approach for effectively managing financial crime and regulatory risk. But how does it work in practice? This article explores how the three lines of defense applies using client due diligence as a real-life case study.

Three Lines of Defense

The “three lines of defense” is a well-established model for implementing an organizational structure to effectively manage financial crime risk and regulatory compliance. Explore the three lines of defense, their responsibilities and the advantages of the three line model in this article.

FinCEN Issues Warning to Financial Institutions

Iran continues to explore techniques that allow it to move funds to terrorist proxy groups in its efforts to destabilize the Middle East and project power by supporting the global operations of dangerous militias, proliferation of weapons, and malicious cyber activities. Financial institutions must be increasingly vigilant in detecting illicit transactions linked to Iran-backed terrorist organizations. Regulators have providing guidance, including red flags, and highlighting methodologies used by terrorist groups to raise funds.

2024 National Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment

The U.S. Department of the Treasury published the 2024 National Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment in February 2024 providing an in-depth analysis of the threats and vulnerabilities related to proliferation financing (PF) and highlighting key countries and non-state actors working to gain access to weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and their components and to conventional restricted weapons and technologies.

Terrorist Use of Crowdfunding

The nature of crowdfunding, the use of new technologies, and the possible anonymity afforded by crowdfunding platforms can make them attractive as relatively quick and simply means to obtain donations from across the world.

Domestic Terrorism – Understanding the Threat and How Banks Can Counter It

Domestic terrorism is not a new threat in America, but in recent years we have seen a significant and horrific increase in violent attacks and activities carried out by individuals and groups motivated by a range of radical ideologies. In response to these troubling developments, our government has stepped up law enforcement, intelligence attention, and resources to combat these threats.